Hey There!
Yeah, YOU!
Welcome to my NEW humble digital abode!
Why “new,” you ask?
Well, because some effer decided to hack a server and 5 years of my life’s postings are now GONE. Well, at least the website and gorgeous template is, and I am HOT. GoDaddy couldn’t restore the site. Luckily, I archived my posts in a couple of places, so I will be posting my oldies but goodies until I can get situated. What a freaking pain in the ass. But, I promise, I will be no less sarcastic than I ever was. Maybe now even more so, lol!
For those of you that DON’T know me, I’m Ms. B…
Bitch extraordinaire.
Sometimes funny, sometines sarcastic, but ALWAYS a reality check, lol! I’m just here to have fun poking the bear with a stick(and running wildly in the opposite direction!). It’s gonna be a bumpy ride, sooooooo…
(Didja MISS ME?)
That’s Ms Bitch to you <3
opinions are free, cynics encouraged . . .