That’s Liiiiife…
That’s Life…
That’s liiiiife… That’s what people saaaaaaayyyyy… (Insert your best Frank Sinatra pic here). You’re riding high in April, shot down in May. Back on top in June. Yep, kind of seems like that’s where we’re at lately. We don’t know for coming or going, what day it is, what month it is, and I’m still writing 2022 on all of my paperwork, smh.

Well, I guess that’s why people say life is like a dick. Sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down, but it won’t be hard forever! Sometimes things all seem like they’re going down the toilet but with one snap of a finger, everything does a 360. Sometimes shit happens, but when it does you have to just roll with the punches and grab a case of toilet paper. I mean seriously, whatever doesn’t kill you will certainly give you a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms. And if it gives you nothing else, you’ll have likely developed a really dark sense of humor.
Always keep in mind that awesome things will happen today if you choose not to be a miserable cow. Just remember, being miserable is a choice, and it certainly doesn’t help things. Did you have a suck day at work? Are you home safe and sound? In for the night? Remember life sucks rule number 265: Vodka mixes well with everything except prudent decisions.
Back in the day, my personal motto was absolutely, “Life is just a bowl of cherries! But how come all I get is the pits???” Unfortunately, I never realized that every single thing that comes out of your mouth, everything you say over your life, you attract back to you. You’ll say to yourself, “I’m not qualified for this job, I’ll never get it. I’m not good enough. I’ll never be able to pay these bills.” On and on and on. If that’s what you believe, and that’s what you let come out of your mouth, then that’s what you’re going to get. Somebody taught me that a long long time ago, and as soon as I stopped doing that, all of the limits that were on my life just disappeared. And yes, it is that simple! You can’t speak negative over your life and expect anything good to happen. Call it a mindfuck, call it what you will. It is absolutely blessings being attracted to you. I don’t care if you believe in God or if you don’t believe in God or if you believe in universe or whatever. It is a FACT.
Did you ever read Napoleon Hill? 1937, Think and Grow Rich? Let me tell you something, it will completely change your outlook on life. It explains what I just said. Law of reciprocity. It’s absolutely the truth and how many people became very rich and very successful. There are people that walk around with it like a Bible. There’s a millionaire success mentor named Bob Proctor that literally walks around with his original copy from the 1940s. It’s got rubber bands around it, tattered as all get out, but he reads it and rereads it every single day. It’s in the public domain, you can get it free on Amazon.com I believe.
Get it. READ it. Live it!
And in the meantime, just remember…