There’s Pumpkin in the Air!
Oh my gourd, it’s already falling!

There’s pumpkin in the air! Oh, wait, no, it’s freaking 93° again today. My bad…

Holy shit, This is starting to feel like the endless freaking summer! All the kids have already gone back to school and it was 98°! No, not in California, in Jersey! I mean what the virtual fuck? IT’S SEPTEMBER!!!!
I think everybody has their head up there ass anymore! I’m going to go food shopping the other day, and already, they have pumpkin donuts, apple cider donuts, apple cider in a jug. It’s only freaking September! And it’s still over 90°! The leaves are still green!

So wait, are we pumpkining or are we not? Well, shouldn’t be any kind of surprise, considering Lowes Home Improvement had all of their Halloween stuff out on the floor in JULY!!! Seriously? Like, if they push things back any further, they will just be selling stuff A whole YEAR in advance and selling on the holiday itself, SMH. Like, how early is TOO early??? I’m finishing up Halloween designs, and already everybody is uploading for freaking Christmas! I mean holy shit, where does it stop? SEE???

Listen, I’ve never met a pumpkin I didn’t like. But, for right now, I’m going to keep lemonading, barbecuing, grilling, and ice, cold beering! Still too hot for fall flavors. You know I like pumpkin spice a latte! There will be plenty of time to be pumpkining and cidering when the time comes. At the rate we’re going, we will be pepperminting and chocolating by the end of the month.