WTF?! The most indescribable, unbelievable, how in the virtual fucking hell kinda posts.

  • WTF?!

    There’s Pumpkin in the Air!

    Oh my gourd, it’s already falling! There’s pumpkin in the air! Oh, wait, no, it’s freaking 93° again today. My bad… Holy shit, This is starting to feel like the endless freaking summer! All the kids have already gone back to school and it was 98°! No, not in California, in Jersey! I mean what the virtual fuck? IT’S SEPTEMBER!!!! I think everybody has their head up there ass anymore! I’m going to go food shopping the other day, and already, they have pumpkin donuts, apple cider donuts, apple cider in a jug. It’s only freaking September! And it’s still over 90°! The leaves are still green! So wait, are…

  • Life Lessons,  WTF?!

    Married, With Dishes…

     Married, With Dishes…    So, my husband, like all men in life, has a few quirky habits. And like all men, some of them are annoying as all get-out. Don’t get me wrong, I love him to death, but being clinically OCD, there’s a certain way that Every. Single. Thing. has to be done. Like the time that I sent him out to do laundry. 4 hours later I called to see where he was, and he was still doing the laundry because everything had to be folded a certain way???    Fast forward to him washing the dishes. Before we got a dishwasher, for the life of me I could…

  • squirrel


    Squirrel Appreciation day! YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! NOT!!!! Listen, squirrels may be cute little buggers, but when you live in the woods? Not so much. Between hearing them walking across the roof, scratching inside the walls once one of them manages to crawl in in the middle of winter, or watching one of them moon you through a window(yes, it did happen), I’m not always the biggest fan… A few years back, before we started overhauling the very old house that we bought, we had a bit of an issue that winter. Middle of the night we would be hearing one of the not so little suckers scratching inside one of our walls.…

  • hens

    Chickens. The Pets That Poop Breakfast

    Sounds pretty crappy to me… Chickens. The pets that poop breakfast. And at lunch, and at dinner, and at every thing and everywhere in between. Seriously, have you ever owned one? Chicken ownership brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Holy shit!!!” (I shit you not!) Well, I shit you not, but I’m sure the chicken will shit you everywhere you like, lol! The average healthy chicken craps at least 12 to 15 times a day. (Imagine an unhealthy one?) Now normally, that wouldn’t be a big deal, except if you’ve never owned one, you can’t really understand…. Usually, you need to buy your chicks around Easter.  I’ll bring…

  • junk food

    So I Went Food Shopping On An Empty Stomach…

    Ugh… So I went food shopping on an empty stomach. I’m now the proud owner of aisle13. Oh, come on, like this is never happened to you? (yeah, right… whatever helps you sleep at night….) Listen, when you go shopping on a full stomach, you just want to get in and get out. You’re bloated, you’re tired and you just want to go home. You probably end up leaving without stuff that you went shopping for in the first place. Yes, I’ve done that too. Like a bazillion times. But the one thing that drives me nuts is when I’m on my way home and I haven’t eaten all day…