• retro pic of mom holding a tray
    Life Lessons

    You May Not Be Able To Control Who Comes Into Your Life, But You Can ABSOLUTELY Control What Window You’ll Throw Them Out Of…

    Self Control? What’s That???  So there are many different kinds of relationship in life. Friendships, romantic relationships, love-hate relationships, “I hate that son-of-a-bitch more than life itself relationships… We always prefer to have peace in our lives, to be happy everyday and love all of our friends. But then one day…  One day that trainwreck shitstorm drama llama ding-dong falls out of the sky and right into your bowl of Cheerios and spends the rest of their time knowing you peeing in it. AND, what’s worse, no matter where you are or where you go, there’s no getting rid of them! Your air quality meter alarm is going off at…